PlayGreen is about a future in which we can play and execute sport in a sustainable way with and in nature.
Find out below, why we believe that volunteers play an essential part in this and what we seek to achieve with the project:
Brief summary
The PlayGreen project is an UEFA endorsed initiative dedicated to ensure a sustainable future in sport in Europe. With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, six organisations have partnered up to raise awareness and build capacities about environmental sustainability in sport all across Europe.
More specifically PlayGreen follows two specific objectives:
1. Create volunteering opportunities focused on sport and environment for young people to engage in sport, by testing and promoting a new volunteering format.
2. Create a European network of organisations enhancing sustainability in grassroots sports through volunteering programs and sharing of good practices.
Below you will find a timeline of the project, as well as a brief description of our key-outcomes: a study on-volunteering in Europe, a pan-European volunteering concept as well as a mentoring toolkit about sustainable volunteering in sport. These outputs will be free to use and distribute for everyone as they seek to contribute to an ecologically sustainable grassroots sport in Europe as tools for sport organisations to build capacities among young people in regards to this.
Read more details below.

BREAKING NEWS! Our Intellectual Outputs are online!

A study on environmental volunteering in sports
as a tool to tackle climate change
The objective of this study is to establish a research framework for anyone willing to exploit the outputs of the PlayGreen project regarding the skills development in the volunteers and the impacts of such scheme in the sports’ facilities, the audiences and the players. Two surveys will be performed.

Pedagogical material on how to green sport events
The current partners of PlayGreen will be trained on key aspects of environmental and volunteering applied to sports in seminars carried out during the project meetings. Subsequently pedagogical material on how to green sport events will be developed for other organisations to use.
Guide on Environmental Volunteering in Sports
A Guide will be produced on sport & volunteering in Europe with a focus on how to incorporate the protection of the environment as a means to engage environmental volunteers to doing sports, and volunteer to create sustainable sport events.
Multiplier events with other sports representatives
The PlayGreen Volunteers
Tallinn, Estonia
Malta, Malta
Brussels, Belgium
Vilnius, Lithuania
Our PlayGreen volunteers are in close collaboration with the national federations/organisations involved in the project. Together, they will develop, implement and evaluate the national multiplier events. In particular, there are two types of volunteers involved in the project.
Our GreenTeam Volunteers are the core group of volunteers that will design the activities to green sport events, help to create an environmental campaign to make sport events more sustainable and involve the participants volunteers in the process. The overarching goal is to identify opportunities to make a local football tournament more sustainable and reduce the environmental impact prior, during and after the football tournament. This organised event will be targeted at the GreenParticipant Volunteers.
Our GreenParticipant Volunteers are young people that will participate in the national multiplier events, will help to distribute the project goals and will benefit from the actions prepared by the GreenTeam Volunteers. More information about how to be involved as GreenParticipant Volunteer following at a later stage of the project.
A national multiplier event will be organised in each one of the pilot countries and Spain to present the first three key outputs to several stakeholders and especially to other sports’ representatives. The final international multiplier event will be in Brussels, Belgium with representatives of international organisations in which also the International Award Ceremony and the dissemination of the project results at international level will take place.
European Union
The PlayGreen project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The contents of these pages are the sole responsibility of the publishers and do not represent the views of the European Commission.